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Jehovah Nissi
"The Lord Is my Banner"

Exodus 17

Knowledge is freedom

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TRUTH IS what equips us to overcome whatever we feel stands in our way of everyday victory in our lives.

No matter who you are in this world, freedom is a desire of the heart.
No one dreams of bondage? No one has hopes of uncertainty, unhappiness, distrust, discouraging days, and living paycheck to paycheck? Peace, stability, a sense of security within your streets of travel, is what we all hope for... Of course, proper nourishment, water, and shelter; goes without saying...  

Learning how to focus on the process and not the outcome is the best way forward in life. We can't change what happened yesterday. But we can work today, to help change all of our tomorrow(s)? 
No matter how much we fight, without positive change, what exactly are we fighting for?
Establishing freedom begins in agreement. It begins on common ground. 
We highlight the five key precepts of God's truth, and how each plays a role in our relationship with Him, and our individual liberty... Understanding God and His process is what opens the pathway to individual freedom. It's the corporate battle, as a community is  what determines our outcome or results. A fine-tuned process that involves a concern for all is how we attain the meaning of freedom in our lives. Be not deceived...
Truth can only make us free, So let's start learning His Truth together, so we can live in that place our hearts dream of...which is placed there by God...and what the enemy of God's creation works everyday to keep us from tapping into... The pathway to our freedom... Let us come together, and become doers of His Word, and operate in His Faith, as One body of believers, In His idea of Love, seeking His Spirit, as His Army... His Word commands us to walk stride for stride in unison, like saints of God, being concerned about one another... Not centered on division, race, and sex, but on a process that stabilizes the whole...this is God's Kingdom. Truth is His WORD, that develops life-changing FAITH, that works, only through His LOVE, UNITED with His SPIRIT... Help us share this message with the world. To CHANGE IT beginning CHRISTMAS NIGHT 2024...

Desert Road

 Truth leads to freedom.

Live the meaning of Freedom

The biggest challenge we face in society today is knowing what to (truly) believe as individuals... We want to help people understand God's perspective on life, and what hinders God's vision of freedom from overtaking our daily struggles.. We encourage, Inspire, support, and will never stop caring for our fellow man. No matter your color, sex, or current mindset. No one is free until all are free. It begins with a choice to accept Jesus into your heart, and allow His truth, through a relationship, seeking His Kingdom, daily, is where it all begins...Knowing His truth is what makes us free, as individuals... But when we join, corporately, His Power lifts us high above all that hinders our lives... Get to know Jesus on our platform, and let's work together, locally, statewide, and Nationally, to conquer FREEDOM... 

Truth Conquers Freedom

What is truth? Stay Tuned: Video coming soon

Explore the Collection

Search the store to find "A Hint of God's Truth", it shares the meaning behind the freedom banner, which is based on Psalm 60:4, a battle cry for God. 

The proceeds will develop an app to help unite Gods people to live the meaning of freedom. That Simple. We have a plan. Join the mission. be patient. committed to team perspective. but learning how to live truth. And Truth leads to freedom. learn the way of Jesus and simply apply the principles to live a more secure life.

Image by Thomas Schütze

His Mission of Freedom

AD33 "In The Year of the Lord"

Joining our club amounts to avenues of community help and safety, and we do it with God Almighty at our backs. Unity is what draws God's life-altering Spirit. Our team will connect neighbors, friends, family, in every zip code, Nationwide. To confront oppression...

Our Goal is to help establish stable homes and safe communities for every family... We deserve that as people, and there's no reason for the chaos and confusion in our streets. Which only works to steal our dreams.

Our team understands that there's tremendous power in oneness. And without connecting with neighbors and working towards common ground, conflict and struggle will always rear its ugly face, in all of our lives.

When we realize the promise of freedom, made by Jesus, and the true message of the cross; and begin to apply it, in unity, freedom will no longer be a dream...

Our Club is building a team in every community to help one another attain stability in our homes, and in the communities we live, and travel.

This is God's Will...


Freedom Is

in oneness

A VIDEO is coming soon to help explain God's truth, and the vision of our mission. Be watchful!

Thee Freedom Kingdom Club

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